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Showing posts from September, 2020

Large Family Minimalist Closet (Kid Edition)

      As the DoulaMamaofMany I am asked how I minimize our family's clothing and not let it take over.  With 8 growing children and a husband that has a uniform for every job, we try to keep things at a minimum.  There was a time when I would save anything and everything passed down between the JClan or from others, but it takes up space.  Not only that, they would have so many of the same thing it felt as though we were being greedy.  So we came up with a system and we decided we should put our FAITH in Christ to supply our needs.  We do not need to keep everything we were given but to try and bless others or sell to pay for the things we do need. So this is what we have done.  Every year we look at our clothing.  I keep a running tab of what we have or need, so when we are given something or we find a sale we don't buy things we already have.     The following lists are how we decide what is needed, for the JClan.  Sometimes we veer off this and add a piece of